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How To Prevent Dust Mites From Entering Your Mattress

How To Prevent Dust Mites
October 16, 2021 21 view(s)

How To Prevent Dust Mites From Entering Your Mattress

It's no secret that dust mites are bad for your health. These microscopic creatures can cause asthma, eczema, and other allergies in people with sensitive immune systems. Dust mites love to feed on dead skin cells which is why they thrive in bedding and mattresses. But did you know there are some things you can do to keep them at bay?

Here, we will give tips on how to prevent these pesky bugs from coming into contact with your body so read on to find out more!


What Are Dust Mites?

Dust mites are the microscopic insects found in your mattress and bedding that generate a variety of common indoor substances which can trigger allergic reactions. 

Dust mites are microscopic relatives of ticks and spiders and spend their existence eating skin cells. They thrive in warm humid environments like those found within your home - so much so that you might never have even seen one unless it bit or crawled onto your hand!

In fact, items such as bedding can provide an ideal environment for these little pests because they love cozy places with a good amount of moisture content.


Signs And Symptoms Of Dust Mites

With all the different allergens in homes, it's not hard to understand why dust mites are so prevalent. They're usually difficult for humans to detect - but there may be some physical signs that they've infested your bedding or mattress:


Coughing & Sneezing

There are many different explanations for why dust mites cause coughing and sneezing. One is because they can trigger an asthma attack, which means that people with allergies should definitely take care when cleaning their homes to keep these little pests at bay!

Sore Throat Or Wheezing

Dust mites could be raising your risk for developing asthma or allergy symptoms such as sore throat and/or wheezing because they produce allergic reactions like hay fever when triggered by other things such as pollution particles in your home.

Itchy & Watery Eyes

You may have heard the old adage "icky things stick to you" but did you know that dust mites can cause itchy watery eyes? The average person carries thousands upon thousands in their home. These pesky little critters love living on us and causing problems for our overall health by leaving behind allergen which causes inflammation of membranes around your eyelids or nose area!

Skin Rashes & Eczema

The air in your house is crawling with dust mites. They cause skin problems like eczema and asthma, but it's not just humans who are affected; they can also affect animals!

The problem? These microscopic arthropods love hanging out on bedding material when you're at home


How Dust Mites Affect Your Health 

The constant exposure to dust mites at home can dramatically impact the health of people with asthma and those who are allergic or particularly sensitive. These allergens cause an immune system response, known as allergic rhinitis; this manifests in many ways depending on how severe you're symptoms might be -- mild cases may include runny nose watery eyes sneezes while more serious ones will affect your entire body including face tightness coughs congestion facial pressure breathing difficulties, etc.

A lot has been written about these issues lately due to new research linking them not just1 but multiple ailments! It turns out some good news too - prevention tip number one: wash hands after handling pets (or other animals)


Where Do Dust Mites Come From?

If you're living in a dry area, it's likely that your house has high concentrations of dust mites. This is because humidity plays an important role: without enough moisture for the little critters to consume and thrive on (like we do), they cannot survive - so if there aren't any excessive amounts around!


Humidity determines how many kinds of microscopic organisms can grow inside houses or buildings... but sometimes these same conditions make them impossible environments; too low-strung out as far as temperature goes with not nearly enough sunlight getting through either skyward towards earth below us all year-'round long

Tips On How To Prevent Dust Mites

Here are some tips on how to prevent these pesky critters known as dust mites from thriving in your home!


Keep Your Mattress Clean!

You may be hosting a dust mite or two in your bed. If so, it’s important to clean out the mattress and all of its attached items at least once per month- but make sure you're doing this regularly! Make sure that when cleaning yourself from head-to-toe (and vice versa), there are no dirty clothes left behind on any surfaces including furniture near window sills where they will get sunlight exposure for hours every day during summer months without being washed often enough before putting away until winter rolls around again - which can lead them back into dormancy if conditions were right previously.


Invest In A Mattress Protector

Protect your mattress from dirt, spills, and bacteria with a mattress cover that is hypoallergenic. You will be able to clean it more frequently because the material prevents sweat stains from becoming embedded in the pad while still being breathable enough for you not to have an unpleasant odor when sleeping on hot nights or during the summer months


Nowadays people are conscious about their health which means they want quality bedding options as well!


Invest In The Right Kind Of Mattress

If you're looking for the perfect way to get rid of dust mites and enjoy a comfortable sleep, then head over to your local mattress store. Mattresses made from latex will naturally repel these pesky critters because they are grown on trees (to be a hostile environment). Not only do allergies make life difficult; so does sweat! When sleeping with no relief in sight Thanksgiving weekend or any other time during the year if it's hot where I live-I know just what my body needs: A breathable layer that can help prevent sweating which leads to dehydration symptoms including headaches as well as dry mouth throughout out night due to low humidity levels.


Use An Air Purifier 

Dehumidifiers and air purifiers work to help eliminate the conditions that dust mites thrive in. Removing these unwanted pests from your home can remove allergens, pet dander, contaminants of all kinds - including mold! You'll breathe cleaner too with less risk for respiratory issues like asthma.


Get Rid Of Any Old Bedding

It’s important to get rid of old bedding, sheets, and mattresses that might harbor dust mites in a way. Even carpets upholstery fabrics should also be replaced because they can host these allergies which cause allergies among other things so if you have asthma or any other respiratory problems then this could aggravate them even more!


Take Away

Dust mites can be a serious problem for anyone with allergies. Luckily, you don't have to stop spending time in your home or living room just because of these tiny pests. You simply need to follow some simple dusting and vacuuming routines that will keep the number of dust mites down and make sure they never get near where you spend most of your time. If this sounds like something you want help with, we're here to answer any questions about how best to reduce the number of dust mites in your house so that you can live comfortably at home again!