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How Often Should You Replace Your Mattress And Box Spring?

How Often Should You Replace Your Mattress And Box Spring?
December 23, 2021 160 view(s)

How Often Should You Replace Your Mattress And Box Spring?


Sleep is important. It's one of the most crucial things your body needs in order to function at its best. And yet, a lot of people don't get enough sleep because they're not comfortable when they're trying to sleep. If you're waking up with aches and pains or feeling generally unrested, it might be time to replace your mattress and box spring. But how often should you do that?

Here, we discuss how often you should replace your mattress and box springs, along with some tips to extend their lifespan! 


What Is The Average Life Expectancy Of A Mattress And Box Spring?

A recent study by Consumer Reports magazine has recommended that all mattresses should be replaced after seven to ten years. This may come as an unpleasant surprise for many people who have purchased a warranty-protected mattress from their local department store or bedding outlet with the expectation of getting at least 20 years of use out of it before having another one made entirely new!

A shocking discovery was just released about those costly yet short-lived products, namely in regard to how often we really need replacement - shorter than expected

How Often Should You Buy A New Mattress And Box Spring?

Box springs often last longer than a mattress does. It is recommended that you replace your mattress and box spring every 10 years, as this is the point at which they both start to deteriorate and lack support. Many modern mattresses no longer require a box Spring for comfort; in fact, some people prefer their beds without one at all!


So, if longevity isn't what's important then consider going without when making purchase decisions because it will save money on replacement parts down the line.

How Can You Tell When You Need A New Mattress?

A few things can accelerate your mattress’ decline, such as weight or improper care. Let's go over a few of the most common causes that may be causing it to dip-fast aging and what you should do about it!

Look For Signs Of Wear And Tear

A worn-out mattress is a sign that tells you how often and for how long it's been used. Signs of wear include sagging, lumps or bumps in the surface which become more apparent with time. Coils poking through where there should be none at all- these are usually felt through the fabric rather than noticed by touch alone

Noisy Springs

You may have noticed that your mattress is making a squeaking sound when you move. This could be an indication of worn out springs, which would need to be replaced soon so the noise doesn't get worse and prevent serious back problems down the line!

Muscle Aches & Pains

When your mattress is no longer comfortable and supporting you the way it used to, not only will you wake up stiff but also with back pain. A 2009 study by Source found that this could be reduced when choosing a new one for yourself or as a gift-giving option from someone else in need of some extra relief on their own bedding!


Make sure there’s proper support where needed around shoulders, blade (lumbar curve), and pelvis area. This can improve sleeping comfort throughout the nighttime while preventing back pain when you wake up!.


Allergy Symptoms Getting Worse Over Time

Mattresses are known to trap dust and bacteria over time if not maintained properly, therefore causing you to suffer from dust mites and allergens. This can wreak havoc for those with asthma or allergies who are plagued by symptoms non-stop because these microscopic irritants live there too!


Vacuum regularly to help keep things clean. If you find yourself feeling worse before improving again though…it might be time to replace your mattress!

Restless Sleep

The older your mattress gets, the less of an effect it will have on you and your partner. For example: when one person moves around in a bed they'll feel more movement than before due to this loss of reduction capabilities; even if there isn't much physical contact between partners because both parties already know what feels good for themselves but not necessarily each other!


Older mattresses also lose their ability to prevent motion transfer which leads those who sleep on them from having restless nights filled with tossing & turning.

How Can You Tell When You Need A New Box Spring?

Box springs are an essential part of your bed. If it seems like you're experiencing some sort of pain or discomfort in the mornings, then there could be something wrong with yours! Here are a few signs that indicate the need to replace your box spring:

Squeaking and Creaking

Box springs are an essential part of your bed, but they can only take you so far. Box-spring cracking and squeaks indicate that it is time for a replacement!

Sagging and Bowing

Box springs are designed to hold up your mattress, but if it is sagging or bowing too much then this will no longer be possible. Box spring issues can void the warranty on a bed and make matters worse; they may also cause other complications such as poor circulation beneath your feet where you sleep due in part to less support that causes pain because there's now more weight pushing down into one spot than should exist with just two people using an old tired frame stuck out at its limits by age alone!

Old Age

Box springs are an essential part of your bed, and they need to be replaced when they start losing their structural integrity.


If you notice any sagging or lacking support with what's currently attached please contact us immediately so that this issue can be addressed before anything else goes wrong

Broken Slats

If your box spring has broken slats, then that is an obvious time to replace the mattress. Box springs are designed to carry weight and can cause you pain if they're not replaced with new ones when necessary!

What Causes A Mattress And Box Spring To Deteriorate?

A few things can accelerate your mattress’ decline, such as weight. Improper care or even using the wrong foundation for it could lead to a dip in its life expectancy too! Let's go over some of the most common causes that might be accelerating this process and what you should do about them: 


Lack Of Care And Maintenance

Your mattress is not just a place to sleep. It's also your bedding, which means that it needs special care in order for you to get the most use out of its life cycle and protection from all sorts of things like stains or dust mites!

Rotating your mattress and box spring every 4 to 6 months can also help distribute the wear and tear, therefore extending its life.


An Improper Foundation

Losing your bed frames and box springs is a big warning sign that you need to check on the overall condition of both. With so much weight concentrated in one area, it's only natural for them not to last as long with constant abuse from people often jumping into or out from underneath at night without even realizing how much their sleeping patterns put pressure onto these vulnerable points.


Weight & Density

A standard mattress is meant to support your weight. However, some thinner models may not be sufficient for heavier weights and it's important to know the difference between one size fits all thinking with mattresses so you can find a solution that will work best for yourself or anyone in your family who might need extra care when sleeping on theirs - including children weighing under 150 pounds. 

How You Can Make Your Mattress Last Longer

Invest In The Right Foundation

If you have a new mattress, be sure to purchase the matching box spring or foundation. This helps keep your mattress from wearing prematurely and preserving materials integrity! If you're shopping for a new bed, be sure to research the types of mattresses it will support and make recommendations based on your needs. 


Boxsprings are generally used with spring beds while memory foam is an option other than firm solid ones like metal or concrete slabs that provide better softness but no significant bounce back when sleeping off-the-ground due their low weight distributing characteristics.


Protect Your Mattress

Mattress protectors are a great way to keep your mattress from getting dirty. Mattresses can be damaged by spills and accidents, as well as allergens like dust mites or mold if they aren't protected properly. A quality protector offers waterproof protection for those who have accidents in bed; these will also reduce the amount of dirt that enters through shedding skin oils during sleep hours which protects materials inside--including threads on zippers! And cleanup, when an accident does happen, is easy too since most newer types feel just as comfortable.


Rotate Your Mattress Periodically

Rotating your mattress regularly will help it last longer and keep its shape. No matter the size or material, rotating helps promote more even wear while neglecting to do so can lead you into deeper unpleasantries like depression and softening of surfaces over time. 


Rotating your mattress will help it last longer, so don’t skip this important step! Rotate every two to six months and flip over the bed once a year.


Expose Your Mattress To Light Regularly

If you have a sunny and dry day, strip your mattress to let the sunlight in. This will help prevent excess moisture from both sleepers as well humidity that can cause bed bugs according to Kingston University study!


We hope you found this article helpful and learned how to take care of your mattress and box, along with when it is the right time to replace them. Remember, you cannot put a price on sleep, so be sure to invest in a proper bed so you and your mattress and out-perform your daily routines!