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Hard or Soft Pillow? Which One Should You Choose?

 Hard or Soft Pillow? Which One Should You Choose?
April 27, 2022 1445 view(s)

Hard or Soft Pillow? Which One Should You Choose?

No one can deny the importance of a good pillow for a quality night’s sleep. Which pillow is best, however, depends on the way you sleep and your own personal preferences. Bed pillows can be made from a variety of different materials that each have their own unique characteristics and benefits. There is also an ongoing debate about hard vs. soft pillows, and which type provides the most comfort and support. This guide attempts to answer this age-old question, and give advice on the most common types of bed pillows and how to choose just the right pillow for you.

The Importance of a Good, High-Quality Pillow

A good quality pillow is one of the keys to achieving a proper night’s sleep which is essential for your overall well-being. A healthy sleep routine will ensure you feel energized during the day and can help prevent other physical and mental health issues. Your pillow plays an important role in ensuring the quality of your sleep. It serves two main purposes: to provide comfort and to support your neck, head, and upper back. If you choose the right pillow you will sleep better and for longer stretches of time.

Your neck and back need sufficient support while you sleep. Your spine has natural curves and a good pillow will help protect your alignment. If your spine doesn’t get adequate support it could lead to other issues, as well as preventing you from sleeping well. It could result in stiffness in your joints or muscles and even back or neck pain. To avoid this, look into getting the best quality pillow for you. You deserve a good night’s sleep and a comfortable bed.


What to look for in a quality pillow

Firstly, avoid opting for the cheapest possible pillow. You can find something of quality that won’t break the bank, that will give you added protection for longer. There are three main factors to assess in a quality pillow: loft, firmness, and material. Loft essentially refers to the height of the pillow. You can get pillows in a range of lofts, from low to medium, to high. A low loft pillow will be flatter on the bed, for example. The ideal loft for you depends on the way you sleep, which will be explained later on.

Pillow firmness can also vary. Bed pillows can be soft, medium, or firm/hard. The firmness basically depends on the density of the pillow. Whether you prefer a hard vs. soft pillow depends on you. Different pillow densities suit the position you sleep in. For example, if you sleep on your belly a softer pillow may be better to ensure your spine is properly aligned and that your head is comfortable. However, it often depends on the preferences of the person as well.

Finally, bed pillows are available in different materials. It’s important to choose a quality material to enhance your comfort while you sleep. The most common materials include latex, polyfill, memory foam, and natural down. You can also choose from a variety of fabric options for your pillowcases, or even opt for a pillow with smart features such as sleep tracking and anti-snoring technology. It’s important to choose the right pillow for you according to the characteristics of the material and your personal priorities. Here are some examples of common pillow materials.


Natural latex

Natural latex is derived from the rubber tree and is commonly used for both bed pillows and mattresses. Often a blend of natural and synthetic latex is also used. Although they are made from soft foam, latex pillows tend to be quite dense. The firmness can vary, but they’re generally very supportive and comfortable and won’t easily lose their shape. They’re one of the most durable types of pillows and you can choose the loft and firmness that suits you.


Feather or down

Feather or down pillows are filled with goose feathers or a synthetic down alternative. These tend to make the pillow softer and give it a more snuggly feel. The material is breathable and offers luxurious comfort. These types of pillows are usually less durable than others, however. The shape won’t last as long and they are more difficult to clean and maintain. It can be problematic if they come into contact with too much moisture, for example. 



Polyfill pillows are filled with polyester or microfiber. The material has many good qualities. It’s easy to maintain, long-lasting, moisture-resistant, and holds its shape. Polyfill is also a cost-effective option. It’s not as breathable as other materials, however. 


Memory foam

Memory foam pillows are very popular. They will mold to the contours of your body and provide excellent support. They are soft, however, which isn’t always everybody’s preference. Another drawback is that memory foam pillows can sometimes retain heat. To avoid this you can opt for a pillowcase made from a cooling material. You can even get cooling gel memory foam. This is an advanced version of the traditional memory foam that effectively dissipates heat.


Shredded foam

Shredded foam or shredded memory foam pillows are also favored for the way they fit the contours of your natural position. They contain pieces of foam that make the pillow more breathable compared to standard memory foam.


Hard vs. Soft Pillows

How to choose the right pillow depends on several factors. Regarding firmness, you need to bear in mind your sleep position, weight, and other relevant physical conditions. For example, if you sleep on your side or back you’ll likely be more comfortable with a firmer pillow. This will help to lift up your head and support your neck and upper body. This will also maintain your alignment while you sleep.

Weight is also a factor. Very hard pillows aren’t usually recommended for those who weigh less than 130lb, for example, because your weight affects the amount of support you need. Which pillow is best, however, is often subjective. If you’ve experienced aches, pains, or a recent injury, this could also impact the amount of firmness you need to get proper support. Harder pillows are often better in this case. They will provide your head, neck, and upper back with the protection it needs and keep you in the proper posture you need to heal.

Whether you opt for a hard vs. soft pillow, depends on your preference. There’s no measurement for firmness, and most pillows are described as soft, medium, medium-firm, or firm. It can also depend very much on the material. Firmness simply refers to how much the pillow dips down when you lay your head on it. It’s worth noting that this isn’t the same as loft, however. Loft refers to the height of the pillow whereas firmness refers to the support it provides.


Which Pillow is Best?

Again, the answer to this question is pretty subjective. On the whole, it’s advisable to choose a quality pillow. If your current pillow isn’t working for you, try to get to the root of the problem. Hard or soft pillows can be beneficial in different ways but there are also a few important qualities of good pillows to look out for. Choose a pillow that’s made from a breathable, yet durable material. For those with sensitive skin or allergies, look for a hypoallergenic pillow. Read the labels carefully and check closely to ensure you’re getting the features you need according to your personal requirements.


How to Choose the Right Pillow

How to choose the right pillow, particularly between hard or soft, depends largely on your sleep position. This can vary from person to person, and finding out how you sleep can help you determine the best firmness and loft for you. Here is a quick overview of the most common sleeping positions and which pillow is best for each. This is just a general guide and only refers to those people without additional back or neck conditions. If you have any concerns about your alignment, pain before or after sleeping or difficulty sleeping, speak to your doctor for more information. They will help you get to the heart of the issue and find the most suitable solution. 


Back sleepers

People who sleep on their back are actually in quite a neutral alignment already, as they are pretty much lying flat and straight on the bed. They still need moderate support, however. A pillow with a medium loft is ideal because it will provide the necessary support without pushing the head up too high. A lower pillow might make you feel like you’re lying too flat. 


Regarding hard vs. soft, your pillow should be somewhere in between. If the pillow is too soft it will get squashed down by the weight of your head. If it’s too hard, however, it might lift your head up too high. If you’re a back sleeper, you might also find materials such as memory foam that conform to pressure more comfortably. This will help to support your head, especially if you turn it to one side while you sleep. Although many people don’t like the sensation of sinking into their pillow, in which case the bouncy buoyancy provided by materials like latex might be preferable.


Stomach sleepers

If you find it most comfortable to roll onto your front to fall asleep, then you need to know which pillow is best for stomach sleepers. To protect the alignment of your spine, a low loft pillow is probably the most suitable. Look at the label and see if you can find a pillow with a loft of two inches or less, if possible. This will prevent your head from being lifted up into an uncomfortable position. You need to keep your head lower down than if you were on your back or side.

Soft pillows tend to be better for stomach sleepers as well. If the pillow is too hard it could put more pressure on your neck and force it out of alignment. As far as the material goes, it’s probably best to choose one that can be compressed. These include feathers, or synthetic down, or shredded foam, for instance. Some stomach sleepers also like to sleep with their hands or arms under the pillow. This means they’ll require an even softer pillow.


Side sleepers

Side sleepers typically need a hard pillow with a higher loft. This is because their head will hang down lower than its natural alignment and will need propping up. A pillow with a higher loft will help bear the load of your body weight. It will prevent you from sinking into the mattress and take the strain off your neck and shoulders. Firm support will also prevent your head from squashing the pillow down during the night. 

Of course, not everybody stays in the same position while they sleep and it’s common to move around. If you feel like you sleep in a variety of different positions, opt for medium firmness and a pillow that can be fluffed into a higher loft if necessary. Pillows filled with feathers or down alternatives are quite malleable in this way, or you could go with shredded memory foam. It’s also worth looking into pillowcases made from quality breathable and moisture-wicking materials to increase your comfort while you sleep.



In order to figure out how to choose the right pillow, you should first consider your sleep position. This may help you to determine the most suitable level of loft and firmness for you. Which pillow is best also depends on your personal preferences, however. Whereas there are bed pillows more suited to back sleepers, stomach sleepers, or side sleepers, it really is up to you. At the end of the day, you need to feel comfortable in order to get the best night’s sleep possible. 

The most important thing is to go for quality rather than the cheapest option. This way you can select from a wider variety and choose the firmness you prefer. You’ll also be more likely to get a more durable pillow, that will provide you with comfort and support for longer. If you’d like more information about bed pillows, check out our range.