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7 Benefits Of A Good Nights Sleep

7 Benefits Of A Good Nights Sleep
May 27, 2021 557 view(s)

7 Benefits Of A Good Nights Sleep

You have probably heard over and over again the importance of getting a good night's sleep, but have you ever truly wondered why?

There are many benefits of sleep when it comes to your long-term and short-term health. Here, we will dive into how getting adequate sleep can help you live a better life so that you can gain better knowledge of the value of improving your sleep quality.

1. Helps With Weight-Loss

Not getting enough sleep can in fact lead to weight gain, and for several reasons.

One is that when you lack sleep, your body will naturally start looking for other means of acquiring energy. This can include foods that contain higher amounts of sugar and fats which can cause you to gain weight. People who don’t get enough sleep will also tend to snack more often throughout the day, therefore resulting in a higher intake of calories.

Furthermore, recent studies show that not getting enough proper sleep during the night can decrease your resting metabolism which is responsible for converting fat from food, into energy. This can cause sugars and calories to be stored inside your muscles rather than burned, therefore increasing weight gain.

2. Reduces The Chance Of Type 2 Diabetes

Those who experience forms of sleep deprivation on any level, whether it’s small or big are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Let us explain why...

When you don't get enough good quality sleep, your body's hormone levels get thrown off. This causes your blood insulin levels (a hormone that regulated blood sugar) to not function the way they are meant to, therefore causing an over-delivery of sugar to be absorbed by your muscles rather than being converted into energy.

Also, just as mentioned earlier, not getting enough proper sleep can cause a person to look for energy in foods that contain sugar or other substances like caffeine. This can also cause a large surge of glucose to enter the body, in such amounts, that insulin cannot keep up with converting it into energy, therefore increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

3. Good Sleep Improves Immune Function

One of the most valuable returns sleep can provide for your body is the ability to support a healthier immune system. 

Your body's immunity plays an important role in the production of T-cells in your blood. These fighter cells are responsible for fighting infections, viruses, and bacteria that are harmful to your body. You can think of them as an army of soldiers that are constantly battling harmful cells and defending your organs from being harmed. Without them, we would probably not exist, thus making your immune system one of the most important bodily functions which you should care for.

4. Improves Memory

Sleep helps your brain process information from the day before and will start to form memories. This process cannot be properly handled by your brain until you achieve a deep sleep cycle, which can only be met when you get a night of proper sleep.

Furthermore, getting a proper good night's sleep becomes even more vital in later years. This is because as we get older, the connection between sleep and how our memories are formed starts to break down. Studies have even shown that achieving a proper deep sleep cycle throughout your lifetime can reduce the risk of dementia as well as memory loss in your senior years.

5. Increases Concentration And Productivity

Just like the connection between sleep and memory, concentration and productivity can also be improved when you get a good night’s rest. 

Sleep deprivation interferes with how our brains neural cells communicate together which can impact our ability to make decisions while focusing and processing certain information. These can include things like increased focus while driving, writing tests, or any type of creative activity or task.

A study by the University of Minnesota and Harvard found that sleep can help you improve concentration, be more productive at work, and even make your coworkers happier. Sleeping for just six hours a night has been shown to have negative effects on memory recall as well as higher-level cognitive functioning such as reasoning skills.

Sleep deprivation could also result in reduced productivity or increased mistakes among employees who are trying their best each day but aren't getting enough rest from not sleeping long enough during any given 24 hour period leading up to it.

6. Helps Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease

Recent studies found that individuals who have a lack of sleep, or quality sleep, are at higher risk of heart disease. There are multiple factors as to why the link between sleep and heart problems such as heart attack and stroke exists.

One reason is that less sleep can cause your brain to release stress hormones which can raise your heart rate and cause high blood pressure. Secondly, researchers found that those who have trouble falling or staying asleep (such as sleep insomnia), trigger the way your body responds to stress which can weaken your heart over time. 

This is why it is important to ensure that you are sticking to good sleep practices such as avoiding watching television as you fall asleep, not snacking right before bedtime, and making sure you have a good quality mattress. 8 hours of sleep can do wonders when paired with good sleep quality, and you will be thankful for the long-term benefits of having optimal blood pressure as well as reduced stress levels.

7. Improves Mood And Social Activity

Have you ever had someone ask you if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed? This is a common saying used when someone is in a bad mood and for very good reason!

A good night's sleep affects your mood as well as how you interact with others socially. This is because your quality of sleep determines how well your body produces and regulates stress hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, and cortisol. It also helps regulate high blood pressure, which can help you stay more relaxed when under tension.

Not having enough of these hormones can cause you to become irritated or anxious. On the flip side, having adequate levels of these 'feel-good hormones can help better your mood and allow you to respond to situations in a more optimistic way.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does room temperature impact the quality of sleep?

A room temperature of about 65 degrees F is considered ideal for the best sleep, but higher temperatures have different effects on people. The hotter it gets in your bedroom, the less likely you'll be able to fall asleep and stay that way – which can affect how rested or satisfied with their rest they feel overall. So take some time to figure out what's right for you!

Does Sleep Help You Maintain Healthier Looking Skin?

We all know that a good night's sleep has many health benefits and can correct our mood, but did you also know that it improves your skin too? The benefits of getting enough rest range from more radiant complexions; to reduced fine lines and inflammation. It is an invaluable beauty trick - one which costs nothing at all yet has so much potential for improvement!

How Long Should I Sleep Every Night? 

The National Sleep Foundation guidelines advise that healthy adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. Babies, young children, and teens need even more sleep to enable their growth and development. People over 65 should also get 7 to 8 hours per night as they age in order for them not to feel exhausted during the day or be at risk of health complications such as cardiovascular disease due to lack of sleep quality  and well-being4 from a good amount  of quality6 time spent sleeping.

Avoid being sleep-deprived at all costs and be sure to put yourself on a healthy sleep schedule and make sure you are getting enough sleep consistently throughout the nighttime. If you are struggling with insomnia and cannot find a solution through natural methods, you can always see a doctor for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. A doctor can often suggest sleep medicine or other forms of medications that can help you achieve better sleep.



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