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6 Tips For Cleaning Your Mattress At Home

6 Tips For Cleaning Your Mattress At Home
August 17, 2021 42 view(s)

6 Tips For Cleaning Your Mattress At Home

It is no secret that a clean mattress can benefit your health and even determine the quality of your sleep. Keeping your mattress clean can even help prolong its life!

So today, we will be going over some actionable tips on keeping your mattress clean using products you may already have at home. There’s no need to buy special cleaning solutions or fancy machines, so save your hard-earned dollars and follow this guide to keeping your mattress feeling new.


What You’ll Need:

Below is a list of household items you probably already have for cleaning your mattress. Once you’ve checked off your list, you can then proceed with our steps to a cleaner mattress.


  • Standard Vacuum

  • Baking Soda

  • Dish soap*

  • A clean cloth or rag

  • Hydrogen peroxide

  • Stain Removal Spray or all-purpose cleaner

  • Disinfectant spray


Keep Your Sheets Crisp!

 Just like the clothes you wear, it is important to put on fresh sheets as often as you can. It not only keeps your sleeping environment fresher but can help prevent the development of dust mites and bacteria.

You want to wash and/or change your bed sheets at least once a week, which may seem like a lot, but consider the number of dead skin cells and sweat that comes off your body while you sleep. It is also important that you have a mattress protector as a protective barrier between you and your mattress in order to stop moisture from penetrating through into your mattress. 


Cleaning Your Mattress With Hydrogen Peroxide

 Hydrogen peroxide is a safe and sanitary way to clean any kind of material where bacteria are present. The best way to apply it is by using 2 parts hydrogen peroxide with 1 part dish soap and rubbing the surface of your mattress gently. You can even use a spare toothbrush if your mattress has seams or crevices. 

Once you have applied the hydrogen peroxide to your mattress, simply wipe the surface down with a clean, damp rag to take off any leftover solution. The important thing to remember when doing this is to avoid getting a lot of water on the mattress, as they are meant to be kept as dry as possible, especially if you have a foam mattress.


Removing Stains

 Once in a while, you may find a stain, even when using a mattress protector. These can be easily removed if caught early on, which is why changing your sheets at least once a week can work in your favor, as it allows you to expose your mattress and catch any abnormalities. 

To remove stains, simply use either a stain removal spray - like the ones for clothing or an all-purpose cleaner. Gently rub out the stains on the surface of your mattress until they are gone. When doing this, don’t spray directly onto the mattress, as this can cause your mattress to get too wet and absorb moisture, therefore causing damage to the foam beneath the top fabric layer.


The Power Of Baking Soda

 Another great tool you can use to absorb moisture and bacteria build up on your mattress is by using Baking soda! It's also effective for absorbing any unwanted smell caused by moisture. You may need more than you think, so unless you hardly do any baking in the kitchen, we suggest you pick extra next time you're out and about shopping.

To apply, sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda over the surface of the mattress and let it settle for at least 30 minutes. The longer it sits, the better it will absorb moisture and any bad smells, leaving your mattress crisp and fresh! 

Another great tip for using baking soda is to apply it right after you finish cleaning your mattress with hydrogen peroxide or cleaner, just as mentioned in steps 2 and 3. This will help absorb any additional moisture if you get the surface too wet from scrubbing.

After 30 minutes, you can simply vacuum up the baking soda, with your vacuum (an upholstery attachment will work best).


Vacuuming Your Mattress

Before even attempting to clean your mattress with any cleaners, you should always vacuum your mattress. Doing so will help suction out any dirt and debris, including dust. Most mattresses also have lightly woven fabrics in order to increase breathability, so vacuuming it will help suction out any dust that is trapped inside the dermis layer of the mattress.

The best way to do this is to use a brushed vacuum head attachment, which allows you to scrub any debris free from the surface and crevices of the mattress. It’s as simple as that!


Let It Air Out After Cleaning

Once you are finished vacuuming and cleaning your mattress, it's always best to let it air out for at least 1 - 2 hours. Doing so will not only help expel any remaining moisture from cleaners used but will also help eliminate any smells from the products you used during the cleaning process.

And wallah! You now have a crispy clean mattress you can dive right into after a long day!