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6 Clear Signs That You Need a New Mattress

trying out a mattress inside mattress store
July 28, 2021 266 view(s)

6 Clear Signs That You Need a New Mattress

Since we sleep a third of our lifetime, there is no doubt that sleeping on a decent mattress is essential to our health. Our sleep quality has a huge effect on our performance, leaving those having restless nights both unproductive and tired due to a lack of a good night's sleep.

Your state of physical health, mental health, quality of life, including your safety can be significantly affected, therefore making sleep that much more important.

So, today, we are going to identify 6 signs that will help you determine whether or not it's time to get rid of your old mattress and replace it with a new one for a better night's rest.

Let’s dive right in!


1. Restlessness

Having a restless night's sleep can be caused by a number of reasons. Some examples can include feeling too hot at night, sleeping the wrong way, or generally feeling unwell. However, signs of constant restlessness at night and waking up with aches and pains can be a result of an old mattress.

Over time, your mattress will lose its ability to support your body weight, therefore causing discomfort throughout the night. Mattresses can also collect moisture and bacteria, which can also cause allergies and irritability due to a poor sleeping environment.


2. Noisy Nuisance

Like anything, springs in your mattress will wear down over time and will call for you to replace your mattress down the road.

If you are constantly waking up due to the loud springy noise coming from your mattress, then you are definitely not getting the deep sleep your mind and body need during the night. Even if you tend to be a heavy sleeper, your partner may suffer from a noisy mattress.

Another thing you also have to pay attention to is inspecting your box spring, as this may also cause squeaking over time. Many people make the mistake of replacing their mattress for being noisy when in fact it was their box spring all along. Ideally, we recommend replacing both, as the foundation for your mattress is an important factor when it comes to support and warranty.


3. Partner Empathy

Sometimes, you may find that you’re sleeping soundly yet your partner is tossing and turning constantly throughout the night. Everyone has had sleepless nights so it shouldn’t be too difficult to understand and empathize with their situation.

The best thing to do is communicate with your partner and identify why they struggle with their sleep. In most cases, the problem boils down to the mattress, especially if the change became gradual over time without any other causing factors.

Once you identified that your old mattress is the underlining problem, then take the opportunity to explore new mattresses that you can both agree on. Finding a happy medium is key to finding the right mattress, and will generally help both partners get better quality sleep.


4. Visible Dips

A sagging mattress is typically very easy to spot but can be difficult to rectify. A sagging mattress can be a result of multiple reasons.

If you have a coil mattress, the springs can wear over time and will eventually stop providing you with sufficient support. This becomes more noticeable when your mattress sits on top of a firm box spring and bed frame.

On the other hand, if you have a foam or memory foam mattress, then the materials have simply either reached their lifespan or have lost their shape due to an excess amount of weight being applied to a specific area.

Dipping and sagging is, unfortunately, non-fixable, and can be a clear indicator that it's time for a new mattress.


5. Feeling The Inner-Springs

A common sign of a beat-up and expired coil mattress is when you feel the inner-springs or coils along your back or side when you turn at night. This is more common in softer mattresses and is primarily caused by the wear and tear of the top foam layer.

If you find that you feel the inner springs only after a few years of using the mattress, then it is also possible that the foam used was of lesser quality. When selecting your new mattress, aim to go as firm as you can while staying as comfortable as possible while laying in your favorite sleep position.


6. Lucky Number 7

You may have heard at some point that you should replace your mattress every 7 years.

A mattress that is 7 years old and has been used regularly throughout its time will eventually lose its value in terms of comfort and support. While you may not feel as though it has lost its ability to provide you with better sleep, you’ll be amazed at how good a new mattress feels.

So, If you think your mattress is at its 7-year mark, then it may be time to cut your ties with it and start exploring for a replacement. Both your physical and mental health will be happy you did!

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