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      Mississauga Location 6620 Kitimat Road Unit#3, (401/Erin Mills) Mississauga, ON | 905-878-8444
      Toronto Location 33 Belvia Road, (QEW/Kipling) Etobicoke, ON | 905-565-0885
      Markham Location 7701 Woodbine Ave. Unit#5, Markham, ON | 905-963-0890
      Kitchener Location 842 Victoria Street North,
      Kitchener, ON | 226-336-7519
      Hamilton Location 444 Barton Street East,
      Hamilton, ON | 289-309-6444
      Barrie Location 35 Lennox Drive,
      Barrie, ON | 705-417-2735
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4 Reasons Why Your New Mattress Feels Firmer Than The One You Tried At The Store!

4 Reasons Why Your New Mattress Feels Firmer Than The One You Tried At The Store!
February 4, 2021 3256 view(s)

4 Reasons Why Your New Mattress Feels Firmer Than The One You Tried At The Store!

A new mattress is a large purchase that we all get excited about. Finally- no tossing and turning on your old mattress. A restful night of sleep on a brand-new mattress is in your future! You buy new sheets, a duvet cover, and maybe even a new pillow to enjoy sleeping on Cloud 9.

It arrives, and you climb onto your new mattress, prepare to sink into a blissful sleep, and then realize- wait- this bed feels firmer than the one you purchased at the store. Is this bed even the same model? Did you make a huge mistake?

There are some reasons that your mattress feels firm than the floor model. Don't be discouraged, and don't return to the mattress until you consider these important factors.


Your new mattress's firmness is short-term.

A mattress is like a new pair of shoes. You wouldn't advise a friend to run or walk through a theme park in brand-new shoes right out of the box.

Like a new pair of shoes, your mattress is fresh out of the factory and as new as you'll ever see it. You must break it in and allow the mattress materials to soften and contour your body to create a body impression. The good news is that a mattress will age gracefully and give you many years of excellent sleep after the initial softening process.

You are used to your old mattress' firmness level.

Even if your mattress was on its last leg, you were still used to sleeping on it every night, even if it gave you a backache and restless nights. Your body has become accustomed to your old mattress condition, and it will take time for your body to adjust to the brand-new support system. Because of this, your mattress will feel much firmer than you thought.

Once your body acclimates to your new mattress, you'll wonder why you waited so long to buy a new one!

Other customers softened the mattress in the showroom.

Showroom mattresses have customers sitting on, laying on, and (eek) jumping on them nearly every day. Fortunately, that isn't the case with your brand-new mattress. It just needs someone to lay on it with some body weight. Eventually, your mattress will soften to the cozy bed you tested and fell in love with within the store.